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Keeping in touch! 

Latest Letters

Spring 1 January 2024

Spring 2 February 2024 

Parent Support


We encourage parents to get involved with their child's sessions at playgroup and openly welcome any volunteers who would like to donate their time. 


When we walk up to the school on Friday preschool session, we welcome any parent who would like to attend with us. 


Communication Books


When your child attends playgroup, They will be provided with a communication Diary which outlines what your child has had for snack and what they have have been doing throughout thy day to meet their personal characteristics of learning. There is a note section in their book for parents and staff to send notes to and from playgroup. Please feel free to share these diaries with your child's other settings should they attend elsewhere. 


Record Keeping 

Here at Stone Playgroup, each child gets their own individual scrapbook where staff document wow moments and artwork that your child has completed throughout their years of attendance. 

Each child will have a detailed individual plan which helps your child reach their learning goals.

We do summative assessments 3 times a year to help track the progress of your child's learning as well as a 2 year check. This helps provide a starting point to aid future planning which helps your child's development.

We complete transition records which are passed onto your child's chosen school, doing these helps schools gain an understanding of children's individual learning development, We share these with parents before your child transitions up to Reception class. 



All verbal information and written documents concerning the children shall remain confidential between their parents/carers and the staff.

All written records shall be be stored securely in folders which are stored in a sturdy unit which is locked away after each session. 

Individual children’s records are available for parents to see on request.


Any concerns regarding the children, will be discussed between the staff and the child’s parent/carer only with an outside agency should it be deemed necessary, once parental consent has been obtained.


All committee members sign a Confidentiality Statement and whilst parents/carers are engaged in a duty they must respect our confidentiality rules and not discuss anything they may have heard or seen with any other persons.  


Settling in 


We are very flexible here at Stone Playgroup when it comes to settling into the setting for the first time, if you prefer to ease the transition of your child attending playgroup with how many days/hours you would like to attend then we are more than happy to support you with this. 



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